
The Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, in northwestern part China, covers an area of 1.66 million square kilometers, making up one sixth of China,as total area. It has a population 1 6 million, including the Han people, and 1 3 ethnic groups, such as the Uygurs, Kazaks, Huis, Kirgizs, Xibes, Tajiks, Uzbeks, manchus, Daurs, Tatars, and Russians. Urumqi is the capital.

Xinjiang is attractive for its beautiful landscapes. The magnificent Tianshan Mountain lies from the east to the west the middle, cutting Xinjiang into the north and the south. In e north is the Junggar Basin sandwiched by Mt. Altay and :. Mt. In the south is the Tarim Basin, the largest basin China, with the boundless Taklimakan Desert at the center mmed in by the mountains of Tianshan, Kunlun, Karakorum, d Altun, and the Pamir Plateau. Among its countless scenic wonders, the most famous are the Heavenly Pond, Kanas Lake, e Swan Lake of Bayanbulak, Sayram Lake, and the Nanshan enic Spot in Urumqi.

Xinjiang has served as a link of international trade between e central Asia, South Asia and the West Asia and Europe. The ancient Silk Road in Xinjiang has left behind many historic :es, such as the ancient cities of Gaochang, Jiaohe and Beiting, the ruins of Loulan, Niya and Subashifo, several Thousand-Buddha caves, and ancient tombs, which are under ate protection.

The long history, the brilliant culture, and the colorful Iklore of the minority peoples make Xinjiang attractive for urists. The hospitable people of Xinjiang are always ready to welcom friends from all parts of the world.

University of Xinjiang:


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