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Medical Value of 17 Mixed Grains

1. Red date
Rich in vitamin C, it supplements qi (vital energy) and blood, and strengthens the spleen. Taking red dates constantly, people will have sanguine complexion. It is suitable to people of all ages. 
1.      Black soya bean
The traditional Chinese medicine considers it to be a nourishing afrodyn with cool and refreshing nature. It is eutherapeutic to take moderate black soya bean for diabetes mellitus, diminution of vision, premature graying of hair, eczema beriberi, and anemia. Having some black soybean meal, together with sesame powder and juglans regia powder makes your hair jet-black.
2.      Pumpkin seed
Rich in zinc which could boost brain development, the pumpkin seed helps the students and other mental workers to exercise the brain and improve intellect. Besides, the pumpkin contains important microelements for the health of the male, which is the source of vital energy for men, and it’s beneficial for diabetes patients and prostate patients.
3.      Tuckahoe
It’s a rare fungus, functioning to strengthen the spleen and clear damp, and to calm the nerves. It is used to treat dampness in the spleen, diabetes, insomnia and dreaminess. Taking Tuckahoe constantly helps to maintain in beauty and young.
4.      Gingko
The gingko functions well to promote blood circulation, and increase oxygen in blood, so as to activate the brain cells and improve attention and memory. It prevents apoplexy and arteriosclerosis. It also whitens the skin, prevents and cures aestates and makes the skin ruddy. The antioxidation of the gingko prolongs life.
5.      Almond
The almond can moisten the lung and arrest cough. The rich content of magnesium and calcium offer great advantage for bone growth. The volatile oil and fat it contains nourish the skin and make skin smooth and elastic. Having some almond every day helps to prolong life, and improve eyesight and hearing.
6.      Walnut
The rich vitamin C is for antioxidation and anti-aging. The unsaturated fattyu acid it contains lowers cholesterol level and prevents the hardening of the arteries. The walnut also improves the brain function, nourishes the blood vessel and hair, and help smooth the skin.
7.      The root of kudzu vine
This can prevent the hardening of the arteries, reduce blood pressure, slow the aging, cure coronary disease, and increase blood flow volume of the brain and coronary artery. The unique effect of breast enhancement and cosmetic result attract more and more women who intend to pursue beauty.   
8.      Sesame
The sesame relaxes the bowel, and activates the blood and makes beauty. It’s good for hair, brain and memory, and it prolongs life.
9.      Soybean
The soybean serves to tonify the spleen, moisten dryness and eliminate dampness, comfort the inside and benefit the vital energy. It prevents and mends mastocarcinoma, prostatic cancer, climacteric symptoms osteoporosis. It also softens blood vessel, ameliorate iron-deficiency anemia and neurasthenia.
10.   Broomcorn
It warms the inside body and astringes the intestine. Besides, it stops cholera, induces urination, tonifies the spleen, nourishes the vitality and clears the stomach. It has significant curative effect on kid dyspepsia and weakness of spleen and stomach.
11.  Buckwheat
The buckwheat gives the body good strength, and whets the appetite, and clears away heat and toxic materials as well. It is always used to prevent hypertension, cerebral apoplexy, arteriosclerosis, and nephritis. The big linoleic acid in it reduces cholesterol and blood fat inside the body.
12.  Oat
The oat nourishes the spleen and the kidney, stops bleeding and subside a swelling. The linoleic acid in it benefits the diabetes patient and astriction. It is usually used to prevent cholesterol, nurse the weak health after the illness, guard against cardiovascular disease, and maintain the blood sugar in stable condition.
13.   Medlar
The medlar nourishes the liver and kidney, improving eyesight, and beautifying the complexion and muscle bone. The medlar enhances the capability of the skin to intake oxygen, so it has cosmetic result. Anti-aging and prolonging life are the significant effects.
14.  Millet
The millet nourishes the kidney and stomach, eliminating heat and tonifying the deficiency. The rich tryptophan in it could be absorbed easily, which promotes the secretion of serotonin to promote somnus.
15. Chinese yam
The Chinese yam prevents the fat deposition in cardiovascular, and contributes to digesting of the stomach and intestine. It is a natural nutritious cate with little energy.
16.  Brown rice
The brown rice is more easily to be digested and absorbed. It prevents beriberi and eliminates toxins. The germ of brown rice accounts for three percent, but the microbe and anti-substance account for 70 percentages. Therefore, it’s better for the baby, diabetes patient and those who want to keep slim.
17.  Gorgon Euryale seed
It benefits the spleen and kidney. It is antidiarrheal and it alleviates pain of nerve, rheumatism, waist and knee. It helps to add blood, and improve the hearing and eyesight, and beaufy the skin as well.