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[Audio]Chinese conversation: What''s your name?

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Woman: 第4课 您贵姓  ——  lesson 4   Your family name(last name / surname), please?
Woman: <1> 句子  —— Sentence
Woman: 我叫玛丽。 ——   My name is Marie.
Woman: 认识你很高兴。 —— Nice to meet you.
Woman: 您贵姓? ——  Your family name(last name / surname), please?
Woman: 你叫什么名字? ——  What's your name?
Woman: 他姓什么? —— what's his (her) surname?
Woman: 他(她)不是老师,他(她)是学生。 ——  He (she) is not a teacher, but a student (he/she is a student).

Pronunciation & meanings

language structure characters pinyin(Chinese Pronunciation) phonetic symbol meanings
word xing  [FinN]

family name, surname, last name

word 贵姓  gui xing [gui] [FinN]

surname (with respect)

word ming [minN]

first name

word 名字 ming zi [minN] [dzr]

first name

word  shi [Fr]

is, are, be, will be

word 不是  bu shi [bu:] [Fr]

is not, etc.

word 老师 lao shi [lau] [Fr] 


word 学生 xue sheng  [FiE] [FenN


word 玛丽 ma li [ma:] [li:] 

Marie, Mary

short sentence 我叫玛丽。 wo  jiao ma li. [wR:] [dViau] [ma:] [li:]

My name is Marie. (Call me Marie.)

short sentence 认识你(您)很高兴。 ren shi ni (nin) zhen gao xing. [rEn] [Fr] [ni:] ([ninN]) [dVen] [gau] [FinN]

Nice to meet you.(Glad to see you.)

short sentence 您贵姓? nin gui xing? [ninN] [gui] [FinN]

Your surname, please?

short sentence 你叫什么名字? ni jiao shen me ming zi? [ni:] [dViau] [FEn] [me] [minN] [dzr]

What's you name?

short sentence 他(她)姓什么? ta (ta) xing shen me [ta:] [FinN] [FEn] [me]

what's his (her) surname?

short sentence 他(她)不是老师,他(她)是学生。 ta (ta) bu shi lao shi, ta (ta) shi xue sheng. [ta:] [bu:] [Fr] [lau] [Fr], [ta:] [Fr] [FiE] [FenN]  

He (she) is not a teacher, but a student (he/she is a student).

word jiao [dViau]


word 什么 shen me  [FEn] [me] 
