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    学院は現在、中国語本科専攻(中国語文化とビジネス中国語)と同時に 教育もあり、心理学、中文、法律、体育、歴史、観光、芸術等の65の専攻の本科、97の専攻の修士課程と13の専攻の博士課程で留学生を募集しており、多彩な専攻や学科、多重的な留学生教育体系が構築されています。学院の教員は教育学科研究の経験が豊富で、現在兼職の教師が80名あまり、教授1名、副教授11名、講師12名、博士3名、国外で中国語教授経験を持つ教師が11名在籍しています。
   教育学原理、応用心理学、職業技術教育学、中国古代文学、中国現当代文学、政治経済学、 法学、旅行管理学、英語言語文学、ロシア語言語文学、理論物理、コンピューター応用技術、基礎数学、分析化学、植物学、細胞生物学、遺伝学、高分子化学と物理、自然地理学、 産業経済学、歴史文献学、史学論及史学史、美術学、音楽学、体育教育訓練学等97の専攻
Fields of Study at the International College of Chinese Studies
   Bachelor level (4 years)
   Chinese language and literature, Chinese, science of education, psychology, preschool education, special education, advertising, industry and commerce management, pharmacy, electronic information project, information science, museology, politics and administration, Chinese for foreigners, law, history, tourist management, English, French, Japanese, Russian , labor and social security, computer science and technology, educational technique, mathematics and applied mathematics, accounting, biology, chemistry, applied chemistry, physics, environment science, geography, city-town planning, public affairs management, physical education, sport-training, fine arts, art-design, music etc, in total 65 specialities
   Master level (3 years)
   Principles of education, applied psychology, professional educational techniques, ancient chinese literature, chinese modern and contemporary literature, linguistics of Chinese, political economy science, law, tourist management, english language and literature, russian language and literature, theoretical physics, applied computer technology, applied mathematics, basic mathematics, organic chemistry, analytic chemistry, botany, cellular biology, genetics, advanced analytic chemistry and physics, natural geography, industrial economy, historical documents, theoretical history and historiography, fine arts, music, physical education and training etc, in total 97 specialities
   Doctoral level (3 years)
   The history of Chinese Communist Party, basic theories of Marxism, research of Chinese Marxism, education of political thought, cellular biology, Chinese modern and contemporary literature, theoretical physics, principles of education, developmental and educational psychology, natural geography, human geography, science of physical education and training, in total 13 specialities
所在地: 中国遼寧省大連市沙河口区黄河路850号 遼寧師範大学対外漢語学院  郵便番号:116029
Website: E - M a i l:           担当者: 李彦明      宋 潔
電話番号: +86 15857187587 FAX番号: 86-571-88165698