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Fields of Study at the International College of Chinese Studies
   Bachelor level (4 years)
   Chinese language and literature, Chinese, science of education, psychology, preschool education, special education, advertising, industry and commerce management, pharmacy, electronic information project, information science, museology, politics and administration, Chinese for foreigners, law, history, tourist management, English, French, Japanese, Russian , labor and social security, computer science and technology, educational technique, mathematics and applied mathematics, accounting, biology, chemistry, applied chemistry, physics, environment science, geography, city-town planning, public affairs management, physical education, sport-training, fine arts, art-design, music etc, in total 65 specialities
   Master level (3 years)
   Principles of education, applied psychology, professional educational techniques, ancient chinese literature, chinese modern and contemporary literature, linguistics of Chinese, political economy science, law, tourist management, english language and literature, russian language and literature, theoretical physics, applied computer technology, applied mathematics, basic mathematics, organic chemistry, analytic chemistry, botany, cellular biology, genetics, advanced analytic chemistry and physics, natural geography, industrial economy, historical documents, theoretical history and historiography, fine arts, music, physical education and training etc, in total 97 specialities
   Doctoral level (3 years)
   The history of Chinese Communist Party, basic theories of Marxism, research of Chinese Marxism, education of political thought, cellular biology, Chinese modern and contemporary literature, theoretical physics, principles of education, developmental and educational psychology, natural geography, human geography, science of physical education and training, in total 13 specialities
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