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IMRP 2013 Irradiation for Life

The 17th IMRP was held at the Marriott Shanghai City Centre, China during November 4-8, 2013. The theme of this meeting is “Irradiation for Life – Safe, Green and Growing”. Hosted by the International Irradiation Association (iiA), IMRP provides the opportunity to learn about the latest developments in irradiation technologies and to make connections with industry leaders from across the globe.

Hundreds experts from the world addressed the most topical areas in radiation processing such as device manufacturers, hospitals, food producers and consumers and identifying what irradiation means to everyone.  Irradiation of medical products and food prevents disease around the world and preserves life.  As an industry irradiation are proud and humbled to be a part of something so important to people’s lives.  Experts showed us the new nuclear technology and represented the positive aspects.  As an industry irradiation processes are safe, the technology is green and the uses of this technology are only growing over 40 years.  The theme of IMRP 2013 is meant as a reminder about the reasons we are in this business, to positively affect lives.  It is also a call to action for those participating today and looking to participate going forward that our work in making the irradiation industry better for the sake of human life is never done.