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Study in Jinhong


Study in Jinghong, Yunnan Province




Jinghong - capital of Xishuangbanna and its neighboring areasLocation: located between 10025@,@ - 10131@,@ east longitude and 2127@,@ - 2236@,@ north latitude

Neighboring Areas: Sichuan Province and Guizhou Province; Tibet Autonomous Region and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region

Physical Features: bounded to the south by Hengduan Range, and descending from south to north

Population: 363,110
Urban Population: 94,162
Area: 7,003 sq km

Xishuangbanna monkNationalities: Han, Hui, Dai, Hani, Jino, Yi, Blang, Yao and Wa

Climatic Features: situated between north tropical zone and south sub-tropical zone; humid monsoon climate, which combined the virtues of continental and marine climate, with long summer and no obvious winter; sunlight of 1800-2300 hours

Average Temperature: 18.6C -21.9C
Rainfall: annual average rainfall of 1200-1700mm

Rivers: Lancang River

Local Highlights: Water Splashing Festival, the village of Dai ethnic group, folk customs of ethnic groups

Universities in Jinhong
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